Casley Smith Method of Manual Lymphatic Drainage for the Treatment of Lymphodema

Third Party Event

Venue Beacon Hospital And Online
City Sandyford
County Dublin
Event Type Course/Workshop
Specialities Business, Cardiac Care, Gerontology, Management, Musculoskeletal Therapy, Occupational Health / Ergonomics, Oncology, Orthopedics, Pain Management, Palliative Care, Pelvic Health & Continence, Pilates, Professional Issues, Rheumatology, Sports Medicine
Presenter Details Lynne WhitesideMCSP, BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy 
Lynne is currently the Lymphoedema Clinical Lead for the Southern Trust in Northern Ireland. First becoming interested in lymphoedema as part of her Senior Physio in Oncology role in 2000, she completed a keyworker course followed by Casley Smith MLD training. Lynne has experience in treating a range of primary and secondary lymphoedemas, and in 2005 become a teacher of the Casley Smith method providing education in Northern and Southern Ireland. The redesign of lymphoedema services in Northern Ireland has developed the Lymphoedema Network Northern Ireland which is a clinical network ensuring all patients will receive timely, high quality treatment.
Refreshments Included No
Free Event No
How to Book Email
Contact Person Ian Marshall
Contact Email [email protected]
Non-Member Price €1500.00
Date 10 Apr 2025 18:00 - 22 Jun 2025 18:00

Casley Smith Method of

Manual Lymphatic Drainage for

the Treatment of Lymphodema


Learning Outcomes


By the end of the course, the student will be able to:

·        describe the theoretical principles underpinning treatment in relation to the microcirculation and fluid transport systems

·        demonstrate an awareness of literature and evidence in relation to treatment of lymphoedema using MLD and bandaging

·        discuss the rationale for the provision of MLD and bandaging, including indications and contraindications

·        communicate effectively with the service user and carer, providing both verbal and written explanation

·        identify, implement and evaluate treatment utilising the four cornerstones of care

·        make appropriate referral to other agencies


The Course is Assessed in Three Ways


·        You will be expected to complete some short questions after each section to demonstrate your knowledge. The online sessions are there to help with gaps in your knowledge or understanding.

·        There is a practical assessment in which you will be formally assessed on the MLD and treatment planning

·        Your participation with online sessions.


During practical part of the course, you are advised to wear comfortable clothing and shoes.


You will be working with a fellow student and when participating as a model, you will be expected to undress (often to knickers). While the group may be mixed, the participants can agree a way to minimise any embarrassment.

Please bring the following equipment with you

·        Hand wipes

·        Fineliner marker pen with washable ink

·        Talcum powder

·        Scissors

·        2 large bath towels (minimum)



Course Delivery


1) Online Introduction, setting context

·         Anatomy and physiology

·         Differential diagnosis

·         Incidence and prevalence


2)    Assessment

·         Measurement of limbs

·         Principles of management


3)    History of MLD

·         Treatment techniques

·         Pathways and clearance routes


4)  Principles of compression

·         Bandaging

·         Compression garments


5)  Discussion on pros and cons of treatment

·         Role of MLD in palliative care

·         Preparing for practical days.


6)    Revision session


Then 2 weekends to cover practical sessions for MLD and bandaging and finishing with assessment

·         Online sessions will be hosted on Microsoft Teams. Between online sessions it can be used as a forum site to pose questions and shape the following online session.




Course Dates


Weekly Webinars

The 6 online weekly webinars will be held on Thursdays the dates are as follows:


10th April

17th April

24th April

1st May

15th May

22nd May


Weekend Sessions

The 2 weekend face to face sessions will be held on

Saturday and Sunday 31st / 1st June and 21st / 22nd June

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