Bowel and Bladder Health

There are many different types of problems both men and women can have with their bladder, bowels or other pelvic organs. Some of the most common conditions treated include;

  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Overactive Bladder
  • Bowel Dysfunction including Constipation
  • Faecal Incontinence
  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse
  • Sexual Dysfunction / Vaginismus
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Male Continence Problems
  • Childhood Continence Problems
  • Musculoskeletal Issues relating to pregnancy and post-partum such as Pelvic Girdle Pain.

Physiotherapists working in this area have completed post graduate specialised training, in addition to their University qualification.


What will happen when I visit a chartered physiotherapist?

At your first visit, a Chartered Physiotherapist will talk to you to find out your main presenting problem. They will then carry out a detailed physical assessment.
With your consent and cooperation, an individualised treatment programme will commence and follow up visits arranged as appropriate. At all times your basic rights to confidentiality and dignity will be respected.

Helpful Hints for a healthy bowel and bladder

  • Avoid tea, coffee, fizzy drinks and alcohol. These drinks can irritate the bladder, making incontinence worse. Try to drink water instead.
  • Don’t go to the toilet ‘just in case’.
  • Don’t ‘stop and start’ midflow while passing urine.
  • Avoid constipation by eating a healthy diet and increasing your fibre intake.
  • Do your pelvic floor exercises 3 times a day. If you cannot feel a definite life and definite release of these muscles speak to your chartered physiotherapist who can teach you how to do them effectively

For a list of Chartered Physiotherapists specialising in women’s health and continence contact [email protected]


Useful Links and Resources

Chartered Physiotherapy in Women's Health & Continence Leaflet Leaflet

Pelvic Floor Exercise Booklet

What every woman should know about her bladder Flyer



The content on this page is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation. The ISCP is not responsible for the content of any external sites, nor should selection be seen as an endorsement of them.