Returning to Practice

Learn more about returning to your career in physiotherapy

Many physiotherapists take breaks from their practice of physiotherapy. If you have not been registered with CORU for more than two years CORU will require you to complete a period of updating in order to be restored to the register and resume practice.

If you take a break in your practice of less than two years, you can be restored to the register with CORU without needing to complete a period of updating. 

The minimum number of hours that are required will depend on the period you have been out of practice (i.e. not been on the register).

  • 2 – 5 years out of practice – minimum of 210 hours of updating
  • 5 years or more out of practice – minimum of 420 hours of updating

All activities involved in the period of updating must be completed no more than 2 years in advance of applying for registration or restoration to the register.

A minimum of 50% of the period of updating hours must be completed as supervised practice (105 and 210 hours respectively) and a minimum of 15% must be completed via formal study.

The remainder can be completed through other private study activities. A full list of acceptable activities is included in the Bye Law governing physiotherapist return to practice: S.I. No. 498/2016 - Physiotherapists Registration Board Return to Practice Bye-Law 2016

For the purposes of return to practice formal study is defined as educational courses, training or programmes of education and/or training (including structured educational courses or training delivered electronically and/or through distance learning) relevant to the practice of physiotherapy.

If you are considering restoration to the register in order to return to practice and need to complete a period of updating contact CORU as early as possible to access the most up to date version of the return to practice form. This includes a learning plan which you must complete in collaboration with the physiotherapist who will supervise your period of updating. This must be completed in advance of completing any of the updating activities.

How can the ISCP help?

The ISCP has a temporary category of membership 'temporary return to practice' to support CORU applicants who wish to engage in a period of updating. This temporary category of membership allows these members to purchase the discounted Arachas's Professional Indemnity policy to cover their participation in supervised practice. Email [email protected] to request the form to complete an temporay membership application. 

Eligibility requirments are available here

Members in the temporary category of membership have access to the full range of CPD membership benefits to support them in completing their formal and private study requirements.

Where Members are experiencing difficulty in obtaining a supervisor the Society can also share requests via its e-zine, managers and private practice groups. Individuals who are having difficulty sourcing a supervisor should contact [email protected]

For more information please see Position on Facilitating Clinical Placements here 


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