Studying Physiotherapy

Interested in a career in physiotherapy?

Why choose physiotherapy?

Becoming a physiotherapist means you can play a key role in enabling people to improve their health, wellbeing and quality of life. Physiotherapy is the study and application of the scientific knowledge and professional skills required for the promotion of optimal health and well-being of adults and children through physical means

If you are the type of person who enjoys working with people and has good communication skills; if you have an interest in working with people and would like a practical, hands-on, challenging career, then physiotherapy may be a good choice for you.

 A key member of the multidisciplinary healthcare team, a physiotherapist works with people of all ages, who are affected by injury, illness or disability. Physiotherapists also play a key role in preventive health and maximising function, providing services to individuals and populations to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout the lifespan. 


How do I become a Chartered Physiotherapist?

  • Complete a three or four year undergraduate university degree course (or a 2 year accelerated entry to practice MSc) which includes a minimum 1000 hours of clinical practice. Students studying in an Irish University are eligible to become student members of the ISCP.

  • Once you have a physiotherapy degree you are eligible to register with CORU. CORU is Ireland's multi-profession health regulator and registration is required to work as a physiotherapist in Ireland.

  • You are then eligible to join the ISCP as a practising member. Only ISCP members are entitled to use the title Chartered Physiotherapist. Becoming chartered means you are fully committed to upholding the highest standards of medical and ethical standards. It inspires public confidence and provides an advantage in the job market.

Studying Physiotherapy in Ireland

In Ireland there are 4 Universities offering BSc degree courses in physiotherapy

There are 3 Universities offering MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration) courses. This is an accelerated pre-registration programme for students with a relevant primary degree in a subject other than physiotherapy. 

Please contact the above universities for their student information booklet that gives full details of the course requirements and subjects. 

Studying Abroad

Many Irish students choose to study physiotherapy abroad. Full details of all degree programmes taught through English in Europe are available online from Eunicas, as well as assistance in processing applications for Irish students. Following completion of a physiotherapy degree in a different country, graduates are required to register with CORU in order to work as a physiotherapist in Ireland. 

There is further information for physiotherapy students studying abroad available here. If you are studying abroad you will be required to apply for degree recognition prior to registering with CORU. 

What Does Studying Physiotherapy Involve?

The Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy is a four-year degree programme which includes a total of 1000 hours of clinical practice. The first year provides a foundation in Anatomy and Physiology, communication and behaviour, and an Introduction to Physiotherapy Practice. Over the remaining three years, students undertake studies in the various disciplines of physiotherapy including cardiorespiratory care, clinical neurology and musculoskeletal disorders for people across the lifespan. Research and evidence-based practice are core elements underpinning all physiotherapy programmes. Each Year, a number of Irish physiotherapy students undertake an erasmus placement as part of their clinical placement hours.


What are my Career & Graduate Study Opportunities?

There are many employment opportunities for physiotherapy graduates including (but not limited to):

  • Hospitals and private practice

  • Primary care

  • Rehabilitation centres and nursing homes

  • Non-governmental agencies (e.g. GOAL, Concern)

  • Education

  • Business, sport and leisure industries

Graduates can also apply for a range of disciplinary and general graduate taught (graduate certificate, diploma, MSc) and research (MSc and PhD) programmes in Ireland and abroad.

A variety of specialist post-graduate qualifications are available nationally and internationally for Physiotherapists wishing to develop clinical specialisation.

Does the ISCP arrange transition year work experience?

Unfortunately, the ISCP cannot arrange work experience. Universities and some hospital physiotherapy departments offer open days. The below list is not exhaustive;


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