Continuing Professional Development

CPD is a core professional requirement for physiotherapists

Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a core professional requirement for physiotherapists. The Society offers its members access to a wide range of Professional Development Services and Supports including:

  • Access to discounted CPD activities and events (visit our event calendar for more information)
  • Twice yearly issues of our peer-reviewed journal, Physiotherapy Practice & Research 
  • Our monthly professional development ezine: circulated at Midday on the last Thursday of each month (opt in to recieve the ezine in your dashboard)
  • Opportunities to apply for bursary funding to attend CPD events, present at conferences and carry out research
  • Access to an online CPD portfolio to assist with planning career development and recording CPD activities (access in your member dashboard) 
  • Free access (normally €225 per year) to the Physiopedia Plus online learning platform (access in your member dashboard) 
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