Chartered Physiotherapists in Pain Management Niche Group

Who we are

The chartered physiotherapists in pain management (CPPMNG) are a group of physiotherapists working across all areas with an interest in the support and rehabilitation of people who live with pain. Many of our members work specifically in multidisciplinary pain clinics or pain services and have done further training and study in the area of pain.

What we do

The aim of the CPPMNG is to promote excellence in clinical practice in the area of pain. 

Our objectives are:

  1. Encourage and promote the exchange of ideas and experiences between members in order to improve outcomes for people living with pain
  2. Promote and develop awareness of the role of physiotherapy in the management of pain
  3. Develop standards of practice for those working with people in pain
  4. Develop awareness amongst physiotherapists of the multifactorial nature of pain and the importance of biopsychosocial management strategies
  5. Provide opportunities for learning and continuous professional development among members
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