Working from home

A guide to working well and safely in your home office space

Moving regularly and continuing to be physically active is key to working well at home. The benefits of regular physical activity and movement include:

  • good overall health
  • promotion of circulation
  • improved memory and concentration
  • elevated mood and reduced stress
  • healthier joints and muscles


Tips to Move Regularly to Work Well from Home

  • Stand up and move around at regular intervals (minimum once an hour and more often if possible)
  • If possible, take a walk at lunchtime
  • During virtual meetings, you may wish to turn off the video and stand up and move around
  • If possible, stand up and move around when you are on calls
  • Climb the stairs often if you have one
  • Continue to engage in regular physical activity


Download our leaflet 'A Guide to Working Well and Safely in your Home Office Space' for advice on guidance on working well and safely at home, and setting up your home office space. This also includes a 'Working Well & Safely at Home Checklist'.


General Exercises to improve Mobility & Flexibility - For Home Workers 

Try building the following exercises into your working day to help avoid aches and pains associated with being sedentary. None of the following exercises should be painful or cause discomfort. If you have been prescribed a specific exercise programme by your Chartered Physiotherapist, it is important that you continue with that programme. If you are unsure whether to complete a specific exercise, consult your Physiotherapist or GP.



Exercise 1: Shoulder Blade/Trunk stretch

Description: This exercise will improve the movement of your shoulders. Clasp the hands. Draw your chin in. Lift your hands. Move your shoulders forward to stretch the hands away from you. Hold for 20 seconds. And relax. Repeat this 3 times. Make sure to keep your elbows straight and your chin drawn in.


Exercise 2: Shoulder Elevation Stretch

Description:  This exercise will improve the movement of your shoulders. Clasp the hands. Lift the arms over head. stretch the arms back. Keep your back straight. Hold for 20 seconds. And relax. Repeat 3 times. Make sure to move the arms together. Reach up and back slowly and gradually.

Exercise 3: Low back - side bend stretch 

Description: This exercise will improve the movement in your lower back. Lift your hand over your head. Slowly bend to the side. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat to the other side. The movement should be slow and controlled and only be to the side. Repeat 3 times

Exercise 4:Shoulder Shrugs 

Description: This exercise will improve the movement of your shoulders. Slowly raise your shoulders. Lower with control. Make sure to keep your shoulders in line with your ears. Repeat 3 times.


Exercise 5: Neck-side bend stretch  

Description: This exercise will increase the range of neck movement. Sit on a supportive chair in a good posture. While looking straight ahead, gently bring your right ear to your right shoulder as you feel a stretch
along the left side of your neck. Hold for 20 seconds and then release back to your starting position. Repeat with the opposite side. Repeat 3 times. If you have pain when you bend your neck side to side do not move as far.


Exercise 6: Wrist stretch

Description:  This exercise will improve the movement of the wrists. Place your palms together. Slide your elbows apart as far as you can. Hold for 20 seconds. And relax. Repeat 3 times. Make sure to keep the palms together throughout and move the elbows apart slowly.

Exercise 7: Tricep stretch

Description: This exercise will stretch your triceps muscle. Bringing your arm behind your head, reach down your back as far as you can. Apply an extra stretch by pushing on the elbow with the opposite hand. Hold for 20 seconds, and release. Repeat 3 times

Exercise 8: Back/Trunk Extension Exercise

Description:  This exercise will improve joint range and control of motion of the upper and lower back. Stand with the hands on the hips for support. Bend backwards from the upper back and then lower back. Hold for 20 seconds, and return to upright, moving first the lower back and then the upper back. Repeat 3 times.

Exercise 9: Trunk twist at Desk in Standing

Description: Regular movement at the desk is important to keep your back healthy. Turn to the side. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat to the other side. Make sure to Keep your feet and hips still. Think about turning your upper body and
shoulders only. Move your head with your body as you turn from side to side. Repeat 3 times

  Images kindly provided by Salaso Salaso%20logo.png?1597073982147



The content on this page is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation. The ISCP is not responsible for the content of any external sites, nor should selection be seen as an endorsement of them.