Sources of Information

Where should I look for factual information about the COVID-19 virus?  

 As the situation varies from country to country, it is essential that we follow our own National Guidelines.

  1. HSE

       The HSE websites - for the public

                    and for health care professionals

The most up-to-date source of guidance is the Health Protection Surveillance Centre, which is the co-ordinating HSE office for Coronavirus ( They have developed a helpful FAQ. In addition to general information, it also includes information on prevention, signs/symptoms/ travel advice and the global situation. The HPSC advice and guidance for healthcare workers is available here

They have also prepared a risk assessment for patients presenting to general practice and healthcare settings other than receiving hospitals. This will be particularly useful for those working in private practice. This can be viewed here

The HSE website is another useful resource, which is constantly being updated. Click on the link to read;


NEW 06-04-2020  National Health Library and Knowledge Service HSE

Covid 19 HSE Clinical Guidance and Evidence. The site provides a national easily-accessible repository of clinical guidance and latest research evidence. It contains: 

  • HSE Interim Clinical Guidance 
  • Research evidence summaries prepared by the HSE National Library Evidence team and other stakeholders 
  • An online facility to request additional published Covid-19 evidence in relation to specific clinical questions.


NEW 06-04-2020 - The HSCP has launched the Share blog. A series of eHealth related blogs will be posted. You can follow these blogs by adding your email address to the ‘Follow’ box. Follow HSCP on twitter @WeHSCPs.

Please do follow, share and contribute – this is your opportunity to showcase your work, its impact and to learn from others.


NEW 08-04-2020 - The HSCP repository is available in the HSCP Hub on HSELanD. It has been developed to support the Health and Social Care Professions to deliver services in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is intended this central repository will enable sharing of both COVID and non-COVID related resources.

This development will be an iterative process with new content being added as it is received. The format may change over time in line with content requirements and user feedback.


Location of HSCP Repository on HSELanD

Once logged in*, users can access the repository in three clicks:

  1.       Go to Hubs
  2.       Go to Health and Social Care Professions (Hub)
  3.       Click Resources to Support HSCP Delivering services in Context of COVID-19

*If you do not have an account, you can create an account as a staff member or ‘volunteer’.


  1. WCPT

WCPT is hosting information from Member Organisations around the world at

WCPT has called on countries to:

  • Ensure that there is enough supply and access to appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for front line staff.
  • Ensure that staff have an opportunity to take adequate breaks during and between shifts.
  • Ensure access to appropriate support services for psychological health of staff.


  1. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has helpful resources (as well as training module referred to elsewhere)


  1. WHO

The World Health Organisation’s advice to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection includes:

  • frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water
  • when coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – throw tissues away immediately and wash your hands
  • avoid close contact with anyone that has fever and cough

This WHO video gives an overview of the virus


World Health Organization. (2020). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance: Infection prevention and control.


Other government websites:

  1. Government
  2. Government News Service
  3. Department of  Employment Affairs and Social Protection

If you are planning professional or personal travel over the coming period, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is providing up to date travel advice at


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