HSCP Funded Courses

Please submit your suggestions for HSCP Funded courses by clicking on the link below

HSCP Funded Courses - ISCPHi A


Each year the Health and Social Care Professions (HSCP) Office offer CPD funding to the health and social care professions to deliver training and education to publicly funded staff.

This funding is applied for, awarded to and distributed by the relevant professional bodies, including AOTI, INDI, IASW, SCI, IICMS, IIRRT, IASLT, AMLS and SCPI. The funding is designed to meet the learning needs of staff in publicly funded organisations, including HSE hospitals, PCC or voluntary bodies/organisations. 

One of the key objectives of the HSCP Office is to ensure mechanisms are in place for continuing professional development (CPD) for HSCP with the overall aim of ensuring that these professionals have access to the development opportunities required to deliver high quality health and social services.  Any funding received will be used to support continuing professional development for your profession in line with the HSCP Education + Development Unit objectives and criteria set out below.  

Please note that as places at HSCP funded events are in high demand, places are offered on a prioritised basis dependent on relevance to your practice and caseload and take into account a number of factors which includes regional spread.

The expression of interest (EOI) application includes current grade, work setting, work location and motivation as to how attendance at the training will benefit the service user, the service, the organisation and your professional practice.

Accepting an offer at one HSCP funded event will result in future applications being added as waitlist applications for other events.

Please note you do not need to be an ISCP member to apply for a course place.

Event/Training Suggestions 

Suggestions for Physiotherapy Specific & Interdisciplinary Proposals for CPD activities funded by the National Health and Social Care Professions (HSCP) Office can be submitted here. 

Please follow the link below to submit your suggestion for HSCP Funded courses. 


You do not need to be an ISCP member to submit a proposal and members are encouraged to share this notice widely with other physiotherapists working in the publicly funded health service.

Proposals are welcomed from all areas of practice but specific consideration should be given to developing CPD proposals that will support the implementation of the integrated programmes such as National Clinical programmes and other areas for priority service development including Patient Flow, Older Persons, Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease, Children, Maternity, Health and Wellbeing, and Service Improvement. 

Successful proposals should also aim to address national service needs rather than the needs of an individual department.

Please be advised funding from the National HSCP Office cannot be used for the following:

- Individual training and development opportunities
- Third level or postgraduate courses
- Activities which are funded through other departments of the HSE

CPD activities should:

  • Be accessible to physiotherapists and for interdisciplinary proposals, at least one other Health and Social Care Profession working in the HSE
  • Be relevant to physiotherapists and at least one other Health and Social Care Profession working in the HSE/publicly funded health service
  • Provide significant reach in terms of numbers of professionals that can transfer learning into practice
  • Be based on a clear service need for both physiotherapy and at least one other Health and Social Care Profession 
  • Clearly demonstrate benefit to consumers, the service, the professions attending and the individuals participating
  • Build in and encourage reflective practice
  • Represent value for money

Queries about HSCP funded courses should be directed to [email protected].


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