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CPP videos
The importance of Tummy Time Plagiocephaly Positional Plagiocephaly- An Information Leaflet for Families Resources :Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists leaflets Handouts to assist Chartered Physiotherapist's in the treatment of infant TorticollisAnne-Marie Cronin, Senior neo-natal physiotherapist at CUMH has advice on the importance of tummy time and promoting a baby's development
Watch Anne-Marie here on youtube: https://youtu.be/fvPirlsQBzI
This video on the Ask the Physio website is aimed at parents and guardians and gives tips to prevent a baby developing plagiocephaly, otherwise known as flat head.
You can also login to vimeo to view the video here https://vimeo.com/458998216
We are proud to launch our updated leaflet entitled ISCP Positional Plagiocephaly- An Information Leaflet for Families. This leaflet was originally developed in 2015 by the Torticollis Working Group which was a sub group of the CPP. In 2022, it was updated by the CPP committee using ISCP Guidelines for Developing Patient Information Leaflets. These guidelines are available from the ISCP and are based on national guidelines such as NALA and consent. The CPP worked with a graphic design team to help produce the updated leaflet. The leaflet is available in PRINT and DIGITAL versions. It can be printed easily as 2 A4 landscape pages and used as a booklet. Alternatively, the digital version can be emailed to parents and it can be accessed on devices. It is also a popular leaflet for Health Promotion and prevention of plagiocephaly and can be shared with PHNs and other healthcare providers.
If you require any further information, please contact us at [email protected]
Positional Plagiocephaly Leaflet Digital version /file_downloader.php?file_id=3092
Positional Plagiocephaly Leaflet Print version /file_downloader.php?file_id=3093
The Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapist’s (APCP) have several parent information leaflets on a range of conditions and topics commonly referred to children's physiotherapists for advice and support. As an organisation, the APCP are happy that the leaflets are freely available and intended for distribution to parents and care
Topics covered in these leaflets include:
Head Turning Preference and Plagiocephaly
Hypermobility and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder
Babywalkers - are they necessary?
Promoting Physical Development: Lying to Sitting
Choosing Footwear for Children
APCP Positional talipes (CTEV) 2023 (1)
APCP Positional talipes (CTCV) 2023 (1)_0
APCP Awake time ideas updated version
Please find attached two handouts to assist Chartered Physiotherapist's in the treatment of infant Torticollis. These handouts are the work of the Torticollis Working group and were updated in 2023 in conjunction with the Chartered Physiotherapists in Paediatrics. They contain exercise ideas to assist the Chartered Physiotherapist in the treatment of Torticollis and preference to look to the right/left side. The group included a variety of exercise ideas and exercises should only be prescribed by the Chartered Physiotherapist as indicated after a thorough assessment of the infant and their specific needs.