CORU Registration and You

Physiotherapy is a regulated profession in Ireland.

In order to work as a physiotherapist in Ireland you must be registered with CORU, the regulator for the health and social care professions in Ireland.

Visit for more information.

Information for physiotherapists thinking about working in Ireland is available here. 

The document provides information and guidance on: 

  • Requirements to work as a Physiotherapist in Ireland 
  • European Professional Card 
  • ISCP memebrship 
  • ISCP and CORU - differences at a glance 
  • Employment Permit
  • and other useful information 

To be a practising member of the ISCP, you must be a CORU registrant.

There are two temporary membership categories available for: 

  • CORU applicants who qualified in Ireland, or CORU applicants who qualified outside of Ireland who have degree recognition, and are required to complete a Return to Practice (RTP) period for CORU registartion. 

  • CORU recognition applicants who are required to complete a Period of Adaptation (POA), or are appealing a decision. 

For more information on the temporary membership categories contact [email protected] 

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